Power & Communications:
juillet 15, 2020
There are significant market forces at work that are driving a substantially increased volume of third-party pole attachment applications that the electric utilities must process. Increased connectivity needs due to work-from-home lifestyles as we adjust to the new normal resulting from COVID-19, 5G, IoT and smart city initiatives, combined with extensive federal funding support, will continue increasing the volume of attachment requests.
Watch the discussion between TRC’s experts Garry Meadows and Brenda Sears in a podcast type webinar focused on aligning Power and Communications companies for quicker, cheaper, safer and faster processing of third-party pole attachment requests.
Webinar Summary
Topics include:
- Market Dynamics
- Challenges in Meeting Volume
- Wireline vs Wireless Applications
- Managing Beyond the Deployment
- Field/Site Inspections
- Contractor Qualifications – New FCC Rules
This podcast is the first in a series of Power and Communications sessions that will focus on the integration of both networks.
Future topics to be covered include:
- How to Accelerate Attachment Applications with Electric Utilities
- Enabling Business and Residential Voice Services
- Cyber Security for the Modern Utility
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Distribution Automation Best Practices
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LOWELL, Mass. – TRC, a leading provider of end-to-end engineering, consulting and construction management solutions fueled by innovative technology, announced today it has acquired IJUS, a top power/utility engineering firm based in Gahanna, Ohio. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. “By acquiring IJUS, TRC is now one of the leading power distribution engineering and consulting firms in the country,” said TRC CEO Chris Vincze. “This is a sector of the power market that is primed for strong growth over the next decade, with utilities looking to improve grid reliability and resiliency and harden their infrastructures. This move positions us to capitalize on that increased demand and continue to meet the growing needs of our clients.” Founded 13 years ago, IJUS has 320 employees across 15 offices in Ohio, California, Florida, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wisconsin. The firm specializes in tech-enabled engineering design, attachment services, field services and project management. “This is a great move for IJUS,” said Wil Schulze, company founder and president. “I am excited to bring the company into a premier organization like TRC, which will enable us to expand the breadth of our services and build on our client-first approach to doing business.” IJUS performs work for some of the nation’s largest utilities, including American Electric Power, Duke Energy, Wisconsin Public Service, Nashville Electric Service, Tampa Electric, and Dayton Power & Light. With the acquisition, TRC now has more than 700 employees delivering a full complement of transmission engineering and power distribution engineering in 30 states. “IJUS complements us geographically and helps expand the robust distribution engineering practice we already have,” said James Mayer, president of TRC’s Power Sector. “The company has a strong leadership team and is known throughout the industry for its creativity and innovation.” Since incorporating in January 2005, IJUS LLC has established itself as an industry leader in Engineering Design, Attachment Services, Field Services, Expanded Services, and Project Management for the Telecommunication and Electric Utility industries. We provide our clients with a wide range of skills and technical service knowledge deeply rooted in sound engineering principles. Every IJUS employee understands that our success hinges on our clients’ success. It’s a philosophy that drives our culture. Through collaboration and mutual achievements with our clients, IJUS is able to excel and form long-lasting partnerships.
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Evaluating Proof of Value from DER Optimization Software
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Download Whitepaper: 10 Years of Insights for Clean Community Microgrids
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TRC Digital partners with Dominion Energy to evolve its distributed energy resource strategy
septembre 22, 2020
Dominion Energy, one of the nation’s largest producers and transporters of energy, has partnered with TRC Digital to evaluate, implement and integrate technology to further the utility’s distributed energy goals. TRC Digital will facilitate Dominion Energy’s strategy development and technology execution, allowing Dominion Energy and its customers to accelerate the shift to distributed energy resources (DER) and net carbon reduction.
TRC Companies Welcomes New Power Sector President Ed Myszka
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Microgrids: A mega-opportunity for electric utilities
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MCE Announces Partner for Comprehensive Energy Storage Program
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TRC Digital and Enbala can help utilities monitor, control and optimize distributed energy resources
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Resilient, Distributed Energy as a Vital Public Service
février 26, 2020
Implementing resilient solutions for many means ensuring power supply to critical facilities, emergency response efforts and local authorities during power outages.
TRC Teams with Opus One Solutions to Revolutionize Integrated Distribution Planning
juin 18, 2019
TRC’s partnership with Opus One will enable utilities to seamlessly plan, build and manage the grid of tomorrow.
Why TRC is Teaming Up with Opus One Solutions
juin 13, 2019
TRC is partnering with Opus One Solutions to help utilities to seamlessly plan, build and manage the grid of tomorrow.
TRC and partners win $1 million grant for engineering innovative New York microgrid
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TRC is proud to support Huntington, NY bolster power reliability and climate-change resiliency with a sophisticated new “community microgrid’’ combining solar energy, a fuel cell, biogas and traditional natural gas to deliver electricity and heat to local customers and institutions.