Author: Nancy Parmer | mars 8, 2023

The EPA regulates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) and has recently decided to place renewed emphasis on sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) which is a synthetic fluorinated compound. Emissions reports must be filed by the end of March to maintain compliance.

What is SF6 and How is it Used?

Due to the unique compound properties of SF6, it is often used by electric utilities as a voltage insulation to reduce arcing and minimize disruption of power delivery. However, it is the most dangerous GHG and even a relatively small amount of SF6 can have a significantly adverse impact on global climate change because as the gas is emitted, it accumulates un-degraded in the atmosphere. In fact, it is approximately 23,000 times more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide (CO2) due to its ability to trap infrared radiation.

The electric transmission and distribution equipment use source category consists of equipment insulated with or containing SF6 or perfluorocarbons (PFCs). SF6 and PFCs are also used within electric power and hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear, gas-insulated lines, and gas containers, such as pressurized cylinders, gas carts and electric power transformers.

Required Reporting for Compliance

Companies must report GHG emissions if the total installed nameplate capacity of SF6 and PFC containing equipment exceeds 17,820 pounds companywide.

March 31, 2023 is the current deadline for companies to report to the EPA.

Industrial risk assessment and safety audit working action

TRC Can Help

TRC is assisting clients with their GHG inventory and reporting, including reporting of SF6 in response to the EPA’s mandatory reporting rule (MMR) 40 CFR 98 subpart DD. We have experienced GHG consultants who can work with your company to provide the following services:

  • Collect the data required for the EPA mandatory reporting
  • Calculate the SF6 emissions
  • Report SF6 emissions using the GHGRP’s online reporting tool

In addition, TRC can conduct a gap analysis using the GHG reporting rule to determine what the facilities currently have in place and what is needed to be in compliance with the regulation.

Please reach out via the “contact me” button below to get support for your reporting requirements.

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Nancy Parmer

Nancy Parmer has over 20 years working with clients to advance their Supply Chain and ESG programs from the board level, throughout the organization. It is important to integrate ESG/Sustainability into company strategy, Nancy has developed science-based climate solutions in the transportation, manufacturing, high tech, and healthcare sectors. Effective companies must utilize scientific, data-based approach to identify and address climate change risk. She has developed actionable sustainability strategies that captured cost savings, increased revenues, and efficiency improvements for Fortune 100 and 500 companies by creating solutions that reduce GHG emissions, energy, waste, and water throughout their supply chain. She is committed to help customers with their sustainability challenges and transform those challenges into market opportunities. Nancy is accomplished in GHG reporting, verification, sustainability tool development, sustainability reporting, and materiality addition Nancy has technical experience with Air Permit Applications (NSR, synthetic minor and Title V Operating Permits) Air Emission Inventories, Regulatory Assessments and Emissions Quantification Environmental Compliance Assessments and Audits, Ambient and Stationary Source Emission Measurements and Climate Action Planning. Contact Nancy at