Effectively Manage Contaminated Sediment

Creative and scientific resolutions for impacted sediment management and remediation challenges.

Contaminated sediments pose significant environmental and health risks. Remediation can be costly and complex, involving expectations from diverse stakeholders including regulatory bodies. These hurdles can increase costs, delay project timelines and complicate your long-term environmental goals.

TRC delivers innovative, science-based solutions to effectively remediate these complex sites and restore ecosystems.

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Resolve Your  Contaminated Sediment Challenges With TRC

TRC prides itself on developing effective solutions for our clients’ sediment remediation. Our scientific solutions and strategies rely on decades of engineering and construction management expertise. We utilize investigative methods, from risk evaluation to remedial options analysis, to efficiently manage impacted sediment at numerous complex project sites.

We have a long-standing reputation as a trusted engineer and remediation partner for projects including monitored natural recovery, thin layer covers recovery, capping, in situ treatment, river restoration, removal-in-the-dry and wet dredging approaches.

Comprehensive Sediment Remediation Solutions

We offer a comprehensive suite of services, from full-scale remediation and site restoration to strategic planning and risk assessments. By combining our technical expertise with cutting-edge technologies, we help your project progress smoothly.

We take a site-specific and holistic approach, to address remediation challenges to gain site closure. Our sediment remediation services include:

  • Strategic and technical planning
  • Regulatory and stakeholder group assistance
  • Cost-effective site characterization
  • Empirical and numerical modeling
  • Ecological and human health risk assessments
  • Bench- and pilot-scale studies
  • Integrated shoreline development and contaminated sediment management
  • Remedial alternatives analysis
  • Sediment remediation design
  • Remediation engineering services
  • Phase I and site assessment services
  • Risk assessment and toxicology services
  • Public communications assistance, such as visual presentations of proposed remedies and technical and risk communications
  • Permit acquisition
  • Innovative sediment capping and in situ treatment technologies
  • Environmental dredging
  • Construction management and turnkey solutions
  • Site restoration
  • Performance-based remediation, delivering cost, schedule, and regulatory certainty
  • Remedy performance monitoring
  • Cost allocation expertise like PCBs, mercury, dioxin, PAHs, in-depth knowledge of related industrial processes
  • Natural resource damage assessment assistance

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Frequently Asked Questions

These common questions can help you better understand the key details of our services and the ins and outs of sediment remediation. If you have additional questions, contact us.

We handle a wide variety of sediment remediation projects, including those involving mercury, dioxin, PCBs and PAHs. Our capabilities also include in situ treatments and capping, river restoration and complex dredging.

We offer tailored solutions that focus on risk-based decision-making, innovative remediation technologies and efficient site characterization. Our performance-based remediation ensures schedule and cost certainty to help your organization meet its financial and regulatory objectives.

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Partner With TRC’s Industry-Leading Sediment Experts Today

At TRC, we understand that every sediment remediation project is unique. Our client-centered approach focuses on providing tailored solutions that meet your operational requirements and regulatory demands.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule your consultation.

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Partager nos perspectives

Nos praticiens partagent leurs idées et leurs points de vue sur les tendances et les défis qui façonnent le marché.


Conseils de récupération LNAPL pour les milieux non consolidés

août 20, 2024

Le liquide léger de phase non aqueuse (LNAPL) est un contaminant des eaux souterraines qui n’est pas soluble dans l’eau.

Livres blancs/rapports

Traitement des SPFA pour permettre l’utilisation bénéfique des sédiments dragués touchés

juillet 18, 2024

Environ 200 à 300 millions de verges cubes de sédiments sont draguées chaque année par le US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) et d’autres intérêts fédéraux (USEPA, 2007).


Prévenir les rejets de contaminants dans les ressources en eau

avril 22, 2024

La technologie brevetée napl-trappe capuchon de TRC traite des contaminants à la source de sédiments.


Déchloration du panache de solvant

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Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Issues Clarification of Free Product Removal Requirements

juin 20, 2023

EPA recently clarified requirements for LNAPL recovery and remediation.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Proposed MCLGs and MCLs for PFAS

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Final Regulatory Determination for Contaminants on the Fourth Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List


Odor Evaluation Services

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Metals 101

février 8, 2023

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PFAS on the Move: Fate and Transport in Sediment

janvier 3, 2023

PFAS tend to sorb to sediment particles and organic matter, which settle at the bottom of a waterbody, creating a reservoir of PFAS that can cycle in the environment for decades.


Advanced NAPL Site Characterization Tools

Décembre 14, 2022

Advanced NAPL site characterization tools can improve site understanding and remediation performance.


Implementing bioremediation at environmental cleanup sites: TRC experts weigh in at leading industry conference

mai 17, 2021

TRC experts make several presentations at the Battelle conference about innovative approaches they have developed for implementing and monitoring bioremediation and the use of naturally-occurring or deliberately-introduced micro-organisms to break down environmental pollutants.