mars 2, 2023

Augusta, Maine. – Today TRC Companies announces its role as a consultant in supporting the new transmission project by LS Power Grid Maine. The proposed transmission solution will deliver renewable energy from Aroostook County, Maine into the existing ISO-New England grid. In October 2022, this new transmission project was selected by the Maine Public Utilities Commission as the most cost-effective solution to deliver up to 1,200 MW of renewable energy to the ISO-New England grid.

TRC, a national environmental and engineering consulting firm with offices in Augusta, Scarborough, and Bath, Maine, is excited to be providing Maine-based professional and technical services to LS Power Grid Maine including support for federal, state, and local permitting, route analysis, biological field studies, and cultural and archaeological consultations. TRC’s work in support of this project is being managed from TRC’s Augusta office.

To learn about LS Power, please visit and


About TRC Companies

Groundbreaker. Game changer. Innovator. TRC is a global firm providing environmentally focused and digitally powered solutions that address local needs. For more than 50 years, we have set the bar for clients who require consulting, construction, engineering and management services, combining science with the latest technology to devise solutions that stand the test of time. TRC’s almost 7,000 professionals serve a broad range of public and private clients, steering complex projects from conception to completion to help solve the toughest challenges. We break through barriers for our clients and help them follow through for sustainable results, solving the challenges of making the Earth a better place to live — community by community and project by project. TRC is ranked #17 on ENR’s list of the Top 500 Design Firms in the United States. Learn more at

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