avril 28, 2023

Source: ACT News

There’s a name that’s whispered in hushed tones in the dispatch offices and boardrooms of transportation companies across the state. It’s a name that evokes equal parts reverence and fear — Advanced Clean Fleets. For the uninitiated, the Advanced Clean Fleets Rule, or ACF, is one of the most ambitious regulatory programs in the history of the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Its goal is to accelerate the adoption of zero-emission technology across much of California’s medium- and heavy-duty vehicle industry. Whereas previous programs have focused on California registered or domiciled vehicles specifically, ACF has set its sights on every vehicle over 8,500 lbs. that operates in California that falls under its jurisdiction.

Today, on April 28, 2023, CARB unanimously adopted ACF, following a three-year rule development process. The adopted rule will go into effect on November 1, 2023, with initial compliance and reporting dates phasing in for certain fleets on December 31, 2023.

Now, inventory and usage differ from sector to sector, and CARB recognized this fact when it first began drafting the rule back in 2020. To address this, the ACF rule splits California’s medium- and heavy-duty fleets into three categories: High Priority and Federal Fleets, Drayage Fleets, and State and Local Government Fleets. Each group has its own applicability criteria and compliance requirement. Some companies may be subject to more than one set of rules to comply with this regulation as they may operate both drayage and truckload divisions. This can present unique challenges in both procurement planning, compliance, and record keeping for the rule.

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